For sure I will still do a separate post for the Loreal Micellar Water but I do know for a fact that more people out there will appreciate a comparison post. After all, this answers so many questions that some of you may have.
The video demo down below is in tagalog and I'm aware that most of the readers of this blog do not watch my vlogs because I usually do videos in my native language. Fear not! I'm pretty sure that the video is clear enough for everyone to appreciate it despite the dialect/language used.
Anywhoo, let's talk about some details first, shall we?
The Loreal Micellar Water retails for 225 pesos per 250 ml at Watson's and BeautyMNL.com (where I bought mine). This means that each ML is only P0.90!
For comparison, the Maybelline Micellar water retails for 199 pesos per 200 ml at the same stores, making each ML cost P0.09 more.
If you're not inclined to watch the video down below of the Loreal Micellar Water VS Maybelline Micellar Water Review and Demo, I'll just say it in here that the Maybelline one a hairbreadth better than the Loreal one in taking off everyday and waterproof makeup....BUT I find that the Loreal Micellar Water does not make me break out at all compared to the Maybelline Micellar Water.
Overall, they both do as they claim so you may need to try both just to see which one is better for your skin.
Truth be told, I use both of them. Why? Because I hoarded a few bottles of each and don't want them to go to waste. I use Maybelline when I know that I'll still be washing my face after and I use Loreal when I know I'd too tired to do anything else except take off my makeup.
and before I forget, here's the
Loreal Micellar Water Review VS Maybelline Micellar Water Review and Demo
Click on the play button to watch the video
Click on the play button to watch the video
Let's stay connected!
Email Me: pinaybeautyandstylelover @ gmail.com
No one paid me to write this blog/review nor to do a video.
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